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Wednesday 30 October 2019 11:19am

Jo Nunnerley Image
Dr Jo Nunnerley

TV's Newshub profiles a study by the University of Otago and Burwood Academy of Independent Living (BAIL) which interviewed eight spinal patients about their decision to source and use cannabis.

The study provides invaluable insight into the use of the illegal substance as a 'last resort' to ease almost constant pain, and highlights the vulnerability of patients in an unregulated market and an absence of professional advice on dosage or effect.

Comments from study researcher Dr Jo Nunnerley, a Research Fellow with the University of Otago's Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Medicine, is included in the news coverage. Nunnerley is also the Director of BAIL, a small charitable trust facilitating research on the Burwood hospital campus.

The study was published recently in the Spinal Cord Case Studies journal.

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