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Monday 14 May 2018 11:58am

Emma Wyeth and Georgia McCarty recently attended the Toi Tū Te Whānau, Toi Tū Te Kāwai Whakapapa: A Workshop on Whānau and Whakapapa for Public Policy.

Co-hosted by Superu and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, this incredible conference included a diverse range of speakers including policy makers, service workers, statisticians, lawyers and researchers' and more. Topics focused on Māori whānau and the Criminal Justice System which included talks on: statistical data trends of the wellbeing of our whānau; whānau ora and transforming approaches to how public policy is made; tamariki and the family court; precariat Māori households and poverty of not only finance but poverty of spirit; and the Criminal Justice System in Aotearoa and the need to give the power and mana back to Māori whānau to feel and make the change themselves. An empowering day!
Kua takoto te manuka
The leaves of the manuka tree have been laid down

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