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Wednesday 27 March 2019 3:23pm

The Focus on Fibre and Food Monitoring symposium, held in Dunedin on the 11-12 February, 2019, was co-hosted by the Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Centre, the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge, and the Riddet Institute.

The presentations and workshops examined two topical aspects of human nutrition and health:

  • the role of dietary fibre in preventing and treating non-communicable diseases;
  • the importance of knowing what New Zealanders eat to inform health research and policy.

Watch the symposium presentations

Focus on Fibre

Chair: Professor Paul Moughan (Riddet Institute, Massey University)

The origins of the dietary fibre hypothesis
Professor John Cummings (University of Dundee)

Fibre to maintain health
Dr Andrew Reynolds (University of Otago)

Carbohydrates: heroes or villains in diabetes management?
Professor Jim Mann (University of Otago)

Fibre in the food we eat
Dr Lisa Te Morenga (Victoria University of Wellington)

Fibre and the gut microbiome
Professor Michael Schultz (University of Otago)

Fibre and the physiology of the large bowel
Professor John Cummings (University of Dundee)

Focus on Food Monitoring

Chair: Jenny Reid (Ministry for Primary Industries)

Dietary Surveys in NZ: history and scope
Associate Professor Winsome Parnell (University of Otago)

How do we know what Aussies eat and what's in it? Food and nutrition monitoring in Australia
Tracy Hambridge (Food Standards Australia New Zealand)

Dish it up: highlights of research using NZ National Nutrition Survey data
Dr Claire Smith (University of Otago)

Chair: Associate Professor Lisa Houghton (University of Otago)

Use of biomarkers to assess the nutritional status of populations: challenges and possible solutions
Professor Rosalind Gibson (University of Otago)

Population food choices – traditional and emerging methods to assess diet in prospective cohort studies
Dr Kathryn Bradbury (University of Auckland)

Measuring population sodium intake: a WHO priority but how should we do it?
Dr Rachael McLean (University of Otago)

Closing remarks
Professor Jim Mann (University of Otago)

Read more about the Focus on Fibre and Food Monitoring symposium

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