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Collating and disseminating information on the health of children and young people in New Zealand

The New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service (NZCYES) was established in 2004, and has been hosted by the University of Otago since March 2009 within the Paediatrics section of the Department of Women's and Children's Health in the Dunedin School of Medicine.

Through its annual report series, the New Zealand Child and Youth Epidemiology Service:

  • Provides the New Zealand health sector with up to date and accurate information of the health of children and young people
  • Highlights areas where there are disparities in child and youth health, or where inequities in service provision mean that children and young people are not reaching their full potential
  • Contributes to the evidence base for policy development in child and youth health
  • Shares the Service's expertise with other researchers interested in improving the wellbeing of children and young people.

Recent Reports

A comprehensive list and copies of NZCYES reports, publications, and presentations can be found at:

Otago University Research Archive

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