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NIWA/University of Otago Research Centre for Oceanography - exploring marine and freshwater environments

The Research Centre for Oceanography, a partnership between NIWA and the University of Otago, is at the forefront of aquatic and environmental marine research. The Centre is based in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Otago, and is administered by a Director and Co-Director, from NIWA and the University. The Centre was awarded the Prime Minister's Science Prize in 2011.

The Research Centre explores a range of research areas in order to promote and enhance excellence in the area of chemical and physical oceanography. New Zealand's unique environment, coupled with the Research Centre's strong reputation for the successful supervision of PhD students, makes us an attractive opportunity for prospective students.

The objectives of the Centre are:

  • Optimise research interactions and collaboration between Research Centre scientists
  • Promote and enhance excellence in the area of chemical and physical oceanography
  • Position the collective researchers for high profile involvement in the National Science Challenges, especially the Deep South and the Sustainable Seas challenges
  • Attract the best graduate students, both nationally and internationally
  • Train students at the post-graduate level by sharing and using joint expertise
  • Attract funding to support training and research

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