The Research Centre explores a range of research areas around the central broad theme of physical and chemical oceanography. Interdisciplinary research groups explore paleoclimate, the impacts of ocean acidification, how iron affects the biogeochemistry of the oceans and how trace elements released from deep ocean hydrothermal vents impact on productivity.
Coastal People: Southern Skies
Coastal People: Southern Skies is a research collaboration that connects communities with world-leading, cross-discipline research to support transformative change to rebuild coastal ecosystems.
The Research Centre for Oceanography researchers are significant contributors to this collaboration.
Research themes

Bacterioplankton carbon cycling along the Subtropical Frontal Zone

Biogeochemistry of trace metals in deep sea hydrothermal vents

CO2 in the Ocean and Ocean Acidification

Iron Biogeochemistry

Marine Biogeochemistry of Cadmium

Organic Metal-binding Ligands