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Celebrating 10 years of the Otago Energy Research Centre

10 - 11 November 2016 at the Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum #OERC2016

Download the Symposium abstract booklet here

The 10th OERC Symposium was opened by Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Richard Blaikie.

OERC symposium 003 with Andrew jacksonOERC symposium 064 Chris StaynesOERC symposium 006 with R BlaikieOERC symposium 017 Stephenson & CarringtonOERC symposium 034 EVsOERC symposium 031 email

Click here to view the 2016 OERC Symposium photograph Album

Energy Link sponsored a $1000 'Best student paper prize' won by Paul Crane for his presentation ""Helping Support Energy Management Systems at the University of Otago". A runner up prize won by Ruby-Jean Clark for her presentation 'Technical and Economical Feasibility of Thermochemical Heat Energy Storage Systems for Residential Space Heating in New Zealand' sponsored by OERC.

OERC symposium 118 Paul MasonOERC symposium 120 Ruby Jean Clark

Keynotes Symposium presentations are available to download here:

Transport challenges” Andrew Jackson, Deputy Chief Executive of the Ministry of Transport.
Dunedin's Energy Plan 1.0 – partnerships and challenges” Chris Staynes, Councellor Dunedin City Council.
"Energy as a connector: the genealogy of the OERC" Gerry Carrington & Janet Stephenson, founders of the OERC.
"Does the electricity market fail as renewables approach 100%?” Greg Sise, Managing Director of Energy Link.

Symposium presentations are available to download here:

“Household power profiles: Insights from demand data” Kiti Suomalainen
Energy in New Zealand's Food System” Warren Fitzgerald
Meat processing DAF sludge transformation to biofuels via hydroesterification” Zhifa Sun
Parental Perceptions Favour Walking Compared to Cycling to Dunedin Secondary Schools: Preliminary Findings from the BEATS Study” Sandra Mandic
What influences intention to cycle to school? Preliminary findings from a comparison between Christchurch and Dunedin” John Williams
Interventions for a sustainable transport system in New Zealand: Results from a Delphi study” Sam Spector
Flip The Fleet: a Citizen Science Approach to Accelerating Uptake of Low Emission Vehicles in New Zealand” Henrik Moller
Destabilisation and decline of existing regimes: the role of entrepreneurs in the NZ transport industry" Sara Walton
A crack in the automobility regime? Exploring the challenges and opportunities for sustainable urban mobility policy implementation in the city of São Paulo, Brazil” Tarcisio Barbosa Pinhate
A short history of the use of renewable ethanol as a transportation fuel” William Wells
Community Energy in our changing climate” Scott Willis
Climate Safe Housing” Kat Achterberg
On Grid Storage” Hagen Bruggemann
Modeling Domestic Electric Hot Water Cylinders for Demand Management” Jefferson Dew
Technical and Economical Feasibility of Thermochemical Heat Energy Storage Systems for Residential Space Heating in New Zealand” Ruby-Jean Clark
Emerging energy consumers” Daniel Gnoth

For further information contact Jane khan

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