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22–23 November 2018 Hutton Theatre, Otago Museum

For 2018 the OERC symposium we collaborated with Otago Climate Change Network (OCCNet). Within the context of accelerated climate change and the Zero Carbon Act in New Zealand, our focus was in all areas of Energy and Climate Change (Mitigation & Adaptation).

Symposium Booklet

View photos from the symposium

OERC symposium Dave Cull cropped 2OERC symposium Dave Frame cropped 2OERC symposium Yolanda Strengers cropped 2OERC symposium john clarke cropped 2OERC symposium diana urge-vorsatz cropped 2OERC symposium brigid macarthur cropped 2OERC symposium david parker cropped 2

Student prizes

'Best student paper prizes' have been generously sponsored by Dunedin City Council and the Energy Law Association.


  • DCC Best Student Presentation Winner : Jefferson Dew “Demand Response Potential on Irrigated Dairy Farms”
  • ELA Best Student Presentation Winner : Charlie Ruffman, Calum Gordon, Egill Skulason and Anna Garden “Hydrogen production on MoS2 electrocatalysts: The effect of applied potential and catalyst support”
  • OERC Best Student Poster Presentation Winner: Guillaume Vimont, Cem Akcaoglu, Zhifa Sun and Stephen Moratti “Thermochemical Heat Storage Systems”ELA logo

OERC symposium student prize 1 croppedOERC symposium student prize 2 croppedOERC symposium student prize 3 cropped

Presentations where permission to publish has been granted:

Keynote presentations

Symposium presentations

Symposium poster presentations

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