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Equipment access and operating procedures

To use the flow cytometry equipment, you must first undergo training with a Flow Cytometry staff member and be registered. You will then be added to the Flow Cytometry OMNI team on Microsoft Teams, where you can find up-to-date standard operating procedures.

Flow Cytometry OMNI on Microsoft Teams

To request equipment training and access, contact:


BC Cytoflex S

BC Cytoflex SThe Cytoflex is a semi-portable instrument and is available for use in teaching labs. Please contact the flow cytometry team if you would like to use this instrument for teaching purposes.

The Cytoflex S is a 3 laser, 9 detector benchtop system with modern generation technology giving much better sensitivity than other conventional cytometers. It also has great signal to noise resolution giving you a cleaner result.

NOTE: This machine is housed in the Pathology Department, Hercus Building, second floor, west wing lab (223).

Laser Bandpass Fluorochrome
488nm Blue 525/40 FITC, AF488, CFSE
690/50 PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5, PI
610/20 mCherry, PE-CF594
585/42 PE
690/50 PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5, PI
780/60 PC7, DRAQ7
638nm Red 660/10 APC, AF647
712/25 APC-A700, AF700, DRAQ5
780/60 APC-A750, APC-Cy7

BD FACSAria Fusion

BD FACSAria FusionThe FACSAria is a 16 channel cytometer with cell sorting capability good for medium multicolour panels up to 12-14 colours.

This machine is contained within a Class II BSC and therefore can be used to work on unfixed material and maintain sterility. It also has a temperature controlled sample injection port and output. This can be heated or cooled as required but staff must be aware before use. This machine can perform, among other things, single cell sorting and fast 4-way sorting.

To use this machine the experiment must be designed with help from the facility staff, cells must be filtered through a 70um filter and staff will run the samples through the cytometer. There is also an added non-negotiable 30 minutes to each booking for machine set up and aseptic cleaning.

Laser Mirror Filter Fluorochrome
502 530/30 FITC, AF488, CFSE, Zombie Green, GFP
655 695/40 PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5
582/15 PE, DsRed
600 610/20 mCherry, PE-Cf594, PE-Texas red, Live/Dead red, PE-Dazzle, PI, Texas red
630 670/14 PE-Cy5
685 710/50 PE-Cy5.5
735 780/60 PE-Cy7
670/30 APC, AF647, Live/Dead Far red
690 730/45 AF700
755 780/60 APC-Cy7, APC-H7, Live/Dead NIR
450/50 Bv421, DAPI, Pacific Blue
505 525/50 Bv510, Live/Dead Aqua, AmCyan, Live/Dead yellow
595 610/20 Bv605
630 660/20 Bv650
690 710/50 Bv711
750 780/60 Bv786


BD FACS Canto IIThe CANTO II is an 8 channel analyser cytometer, good for small multicolour panels up to 6 colours. This machine is contained within a Class II BSC and therefore can be used to work on unfixed material. Good cleaning still required!

Wavelength Mirror Detector Fluorochrome
502 530/30 FITC, AF488, Zombie Green, CFSE
556 585/42 PE, PI
655 670LP PerCP, PerCP-Cy5.5
735 780/60 PE-Cy7
660/20 APC, AF647
735 780/60 APC-Cy7, APC-H7
450/50 Bv421, Pacific Blue
502 510/50 Bv510

BD LSRFortessa

BD LSRFortessaThe Fortessa is a 16 channel analyser cytometer, good for multicolour panels up to 10-12 colours.

Laser Mirror Bandpass Fluorochrome
505 530/30 FITC, GFP, AF488, CFSE, Zombie Green
685 710/50 PerCP-Cy5.5, PerCP, 7AAD
586/15 PS-Dazzle 594, PE, AFS46
600 610/20 AFS68, AF594, PE-Cy5, Texas Red
635 670/30 PE-Cy5.5, PE-Fire 640
685 710/50 PE-Cy5.5
750 780/60 PE-Cy7
670/14 APC, AF647, APC-Cy5, DRAQ5
690 730/45 AF660, AF680, AF700
735 780/60 APC-Cy7, APCH7, APC-efluor 780, APC-fire 750, Live/Dead fixable Near IR, Zombie NIR
450/50 Pac Blue, BV421, AF405, Zombie Violet, DAPI, CFP
505 525/50 BV510, Zombie Aqua, Zombie Yellow, Live/Dead Fixable Aqua
600 610/20 Bv605, eFluor 605, Superbright 600
630 660/20 Bv650, Superbright 645
690 710/50 Bv711, Bv750
750 780/60 Bv750, Bv785

Cytek Aurora

CYTEK AuroraThe Cytek Aurora is spectral analyser cytometer with immense potential. It detects the whole spectrum of emitted light. The machine here has 4 lasers, including ultraviolet, violet, blue and red. This modern machine is a game changer, enabling large panels that you could only previously see using mass cytometry. With good controls and planning, 25 to 30 colour panels are possible.

Due to the fundamental difference between standard cytometry and spectral cytometry, the flow unit offers comprehensive training in spectral cytometry panel design, machine/software use and big data analysis.

This machine has an automated sample loader attached for high throughput analysis. It can hold 96 well plates or up to 40x 5ml FACs tubes. It is also customisable. Please ask the OMNI flow team for more information.

There is no fluorochrome guide, as if the fluorochrome can be excited in this cytometer then it can be detected.

Cytek full spectrum viewer

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