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The staff will help you with your electron microscopy (EM) experiments and train you to use the equipment. You are not expected to master every function of the instruments and can ask for help at any time, whether it be in using the equipment or the design of your experiment.

It's never too early to seek advice. Even if your project is months away from using the microscopy facility it's good to be aware of any potential pitfalls early on.

You may also choose to contract the labour content of your project to the staff. If so, please contact Richard Easingwood in the first instance to discuss options.


Electron microscopy staff

Richard Easingwood

Scientific Officer

Richard Easingwood thumbnailRichard manages the EM unit as is your first point of contact for a new EM project

Tel +64 3 479 7301

Associate Professor Mihnea Bostina

Mihnea Bostina thumbnailMihnea is the Chaire of The Electron Microscopy Users' Groupy and an Associate Professor in Microbiology. His research interest is the structural biology of viruses and single particle reconstruction.

Tel +64 3 479 7301

Fátima Jorge

Fatima Esperanca-Jorge thumbnailEmail
Tel +64 3 479 5642

Niki Hazelton

Niki Hazelton thumbnailEmail
Tel +64 3 479 5642

Marshall Palmer

Marshall is a technician for the Department of Geology. His expertise includes:

  • Operation of the Zeiss FEG SEM
  • Aztech software

Tel +64 3 471 6097 (SEM lab)
Tel +64 3 479 7507 (office)

User Group

The User Group consists of members that represent University of Otago departments that use the Electron Microscopy unit and advises the OMNI Academic Advisory Group on direction and strategy.

Visit About us for information about how our user groups work and how to make contact.

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