Systematic internal monitoring and planning underpins our external accountability. These systems allow for coordinated quality assurance and ongoing quality improvement, which is reported as required through accreditation, reviews and research.
The Masterplan for the Otago Medical Curriculum of the Future
The Masterplan for the Otago Medical Curriculum of the Future sets the vision and direction of the medical programme.
The Masterplan for the Otago Medical Curriculum of the Future
Medical education research
Clinical and medical education are specialised branches of education, and the Otago medical programme is designed around principles of evidence-based educational practice as well as evidence-based medical practice. OMS supports and encourages medical education research by providing grants and mentoring, and participating in international medical education networks and projects.
Quality processes
OMS monitors quality through a coordinated evaluation programme that includes a regular cycle of internal evaluation, participation in University of Otago quality processes, and external benchmarking and accreditation. The MB ChB Education Research and Evaluation Sub-Committee oversees the evaluations within the medical programme, and monitors participation in other processes, such as benchmarking exercises.
Explore the quality framework further
The Otago MB ChB is managed by a strong committee structure led by the MB ChB Curriculum Committee (MCC), and sub-committees for various aspects and areas of the programme.
MB ChB Curriculum Committee and its sub-committees
Curriculum content and/or outcome changes in the Otago Medical School MB ChB Curriculum
For a description on the agreed process for change in curriculum matters which involve content and/or outcomes, but not matters such as changes to programming/timetabling or assessment refer to the document and flowchart as approved by MCC in March 2019:
Process and flowchart for curriculum content / outcome changes in the MB ChB curriculum (PDF)