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MBChB quality framework

Key and links

ACCLAiM Australian Collaboration for Clinical Assessment in Medicine project - benchmarks clinical graduate outcomes across four medical course
ALM Advanced Learning in Medicine - Years 4-6 of the MB ChB
AMAC Australian Medical Assessment Collaboration
AMSAC Australian Medical Schools Assessment Collaboration - a group of medical schools using shared assessment materials form embedding in examinations around the mid-point of the medical degree
AMC Australian Medical Council - accrediting body for medical degrees in Australia and New Zealand
CMO Chief Medical Officer (of the hospitals where students are placed)
ELM Early Learning in Medicine -Years 2-3 of the MB ChB
IDEAL International Database for Enhanced Assessments and Learning - a shared medical assessment databank of which a number of Australian medical schools are members.
LIME Leadership in Indigenous Medical Education Network - Australian based network supporting best practice and innovation in indigenous medical education. Otago staff are
MDANZ Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand - oversees a range of projects across medical education, including benchmarking in key areas like completion and diversity
MSOD Medical Schools Outcomes Database
PGY1 Postgraduate Year 1 - first year for junior doctors after qualification
QA Quality assurance
QAU University of Otago Quality Advancement Unit regular reviews of university departments including those contributing to the MB ChB
USMLE United States Medical Licensing Examination - data on how Otago graduates perform in gaining US medical registration
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