Postgraduate years 1/2 and New Zealand registration (NZREX)
Following graduation with MB ChB, to practise in New Zealand it is necessary to obtain registration from the Medical Council of New Zealand. This requires obtaining a pre-vocational training position at an approved hospital in New Zealand. There are limited, if any, places available for international students, who will normally complete registration requirements in their home country. It is the student's responsibility to find out from the relevant authority in their home country the requirements for registration and to confirm that a New Zealand MBChB will meet these requirements.
Prevocational medical training (the intern training programme) spans the two years following graduation from medical school and includes both postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) and postgraduate year 2 (PGY2). Doctors undertaking this training are referred to as interns. Prevocational medical training is undertaken by all graduates of New Zealand and Australian accredited medical schools.
Trainee Interns are advised early in their TI year about the process for applying for registration and their PGY1 hospital position through the ACE system, including the key dates for applications and notifications so they have plenty of time to make the necessary personal arrangements.
Health Workforce New Zealand (HWNZ) administers programmes aimed at addressing specific areas of medical workforce need, such as the Voluntary Bonding Scheme.