The MB ChB programme mostly comprises prescribed papers for each year rather than an individual course of study. Within this structure, all students make some practical choices related to their course: their ALM campus option subject to availability, and TI electives.
Other options available to all students include opportunities to experience different learning environments or expand on the core curriculum. Each year, 20 students are selected from applications to undertake the Rural Medical Immersion Programme in Year 5, while others may choose to spend their TI year based in one of the regional centres attached to their home campus. Advanced research opportunities are also available, through BMedSc(Hons), summer studentships or in some cases an intercalated PhD. Other intercalated/double degree options in BA/BSc/BBiomedSc are also available. MB ChB students may also wish to note the postgraduate options for graduates of the Otago degree: the MMedSc and MD.
Students should be aware of the policies and guidelines relevant to the various options and opportunities within the MB ChB.