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Otago Medical School monitors quality through a coordinated evaluation programme that includes a regular cycle of internal evaluation, participation in University of Otago quality processes, and external benchmarking and accreditation. The MB ChB Education Research and Evaluation Sub-Committee (MEREC) oversees the evaluations within the medical programme, and monitors participation in other processes, such as benchmarking exercises.

Evaluating modules

The Guide to Evaluation outlines the processes for evaluating modules, which are undertaken on a schedule managed by the campus Curriculum Sub-Committee and with support provided by the Education Unit.

The Guide includes information on a range of tools for evaluation, which include the University's Higher Education Development Unit (HEDC). The HEDC tools include an MB ChB template with two basic questions that should be used by all conveners when including HEDC tools in their evaluations.

Evaluation and development for individuals

University academic staff members are expected to undertake evaluations of their teaching as part of the promotions process; this process is managed by departments and Human Resources.

Non-University of Otago staff involved with student learning are also welcome to make use of the University's evaluation processes and tools to develop their educational expertise. Contact your local Education Unit to find out more about tools and support.

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