Otago Medical School (OMS) encourages its staff to undertake professional development in clinical education. To support this development, the School provides or facilitates a range of opportunities, from formal recognition of development in the field to skills workshops and seminars. These opportunities are available to all health professionals involved with clinical education.
The OMS Educational Development and Staff Support Unit provides expert educational support for clinical staff involved with student learning at each of the main campus sites, and remotely. Education Advisers for each area work with individual staff and also organise seminars and workshops locally.
Educational Development and Staff Support Unit
Online professional development
The popular OMS online health professional development sessions take place on the third Wednesday of each month, 12–1pm. Sessions are open to clinicians and academics who work with Otago medical health professional students.
Registration is required and certificates will be provided for CME purposes.
For more information, contact edssu@otago.ac.nz
Upcoming events
Refer to the online series course list page
Past events
Please refer to the resources page for the Powerpoint slides and recordings of past events
OMS Educational Journal Club
In 2022 we piloted the OMS Educational Journal Club for educators involved in planning and designing educational courses, led by senior educators in the Division of Health Sciences and with a focus on big picture issues. The intention is to apply the issues raised by the journal article to your own practice and offer a forum in which these can be discussed.
Clinical Educator Programme (CEP)
The Clinical Educator Programme is a free interactive on-line resource created by the University of Otago to offer practical advice to support university staff and clinical staff in their various teaching roles.
The CEP comprises interactive 'bite sized' topics grouped into modules, but which can also stand alone, and which can be accessed in any combination of modules and topics to fit personal professional requirements, goals and interests. Each module has some associated activities: i.e. an article to read, a video to watch and comment upon, a brief quiz etc, each estimated to take about 30 minutes to complete.
The CEP was designed by OMS staff in conjunction with the University's Higher Education and Development Centre to provide a realistic learning experience that can be applied to your teaching context; it is activity-based and accounts for the busy nature of your professional and personal life. It is created to enable participants to accumulate topics selected from CEP for use towards evidence of continuing professional development for professional bodies.
Register for the Clinical Educator Programme
Teaching Skills for Clinicians (Academy of Medical Educators)
OMS is accredited to the UK based Academy (AoME) to provide training courses which may be used to apply for AoME membership.
HEDC Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
Otago's Higher Education Development Centre offers a Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, including a clinical endorsement option, in which 50 per cent of set sessions will have a medical education focus and be facilitated by specialists in medical education. Registration closes 7 February so please enquire/enrol as soon as possible; full-time University of Otago staff may be eligible for study assistance.
Internal Study Assistance form (Online form)
Postgraduate Certificate (HEDC website)
Local events
The EDSSU and campus Education Units also organise seminars, guest speakers and briefing sessions. Invitations to these are circulated and posted locally.