Advance your clinical skills through distance-taught case-based education
The Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health (DCH)
The DCH consists of two distance taught papers:
- CHHE 701 Community Child Health (30 points)
Course overview, tutorials and assessment information - CHHE 702 Clinical Attachment in Paediatrics (90 points)
Course overview and assessment information
The two papers cannot be taken concurrently. It is recommended that students enrol for CHHE 701 immediately before or after completing CHHE 702, although students may spread this out over two years.
To be eligible for the DCH, students must complete both papers within 24 months of enrolment.
While students are completing CHHE 702, it is mandatory to be employed in a six-month paediatric position in an approved paediactric centre.
The DCH is suitable for resident medical officers doing a six-month paediatric attachment. Other health professionals, including GPs, Child Health Nurses, Practice Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Paediatric Nurses, Physiotherapists, and Occupational Therapists, who wish to improve their knowledge of community child health, are eligible to enrol in CHHE 701 on its own.
Both papers, CHHE 701 and CHHE 702, use video-conferencing for teaching sessions. A minimum of broadband internet access is required for Blackboard and Moodle.