Enrolment procedure
The papers are offered in each semester and are available to students living and studying within New Zealand.
You can only enrol for one calendar year at a time, so if your course straddles two years, you need to enrol twice.
Entry into the programme is confirmed when you have completed the following four steps:
Step 1: Programme choice
You will be asked to pick your programme first. You will pick the Postgraduate Programmes in Child Health (DCH). Complete all the information requested.
If you have been an Otago student previously, you can enrol online and follow the registration link:
Apply online to study at Otago
Step 2: Acceptance of offer
The University of Otago will email you an offer, which you need to accept.
Step 3: Pick your papers
Please pick your papers on eVision. It is important to check dates when enrolling to make sure you have the correct semester dates.
You must complete CHHE 702 while you have a six-month position in paediatrics in a registered teaching hospital in New Zealand.
Step 4: Course approval
Once enrolled and admitted to the programme, you will be need to be course approved. This occurs online after the Academic Coordinator checks and approves your course.
Please note, the final step in completing this process is to submit a declaration form, which will be available after 1 January each year.
The above four steps need to be completed by 15 January (semester 1) and 15 June (semester 2) each year, in order for the candidate to satisfy terms requirements for both papers.
If you require assistance with planning your course of study, please contact, in the first instance:
- For CHHE 701: Paper Administrator, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health (Dunedin)
Email childhealth.distance@otago.ac.nz - For CHHE 702: Department of Paediatrics (Wellington)
Email paediatrics.uow@otago.ac.nz
Deleting or adding papers
If you have enrolled for a paper but wish to change either by deleting or adding an additional paper, please contact Admissions and Enrolments.
Email enrolment@otago.ac.nz
Withdrawal under exceptional circumstances
In the case of withdrawals in exceptional circumstances that occur after the normal deadlines for deletions, and before those for ordinary withdrawals, refunds of up to 50% of tuition fees may be permitted. Such papers will be listed on your academic record with 'Withdrawn Exceptional' noted beside them.
If you wish to submit an application for withdrawal from a paper under exceptional circumstances, you should first check whether you meet the criteria:
- Illness or accident
- Delays beyond your control in receiving information relevant to your enrolment (e.g. concerning funding from your employer)
- Sporting/cultural commitments (you must be representing New Zealand, or trialling for New Zealand representation)
- Service in the New Zealand Armed Forces
- Bereavement
- Other special circumstances beyond your control
If you meet the criteria, you should complete the steps below:
- Complete a change of course
- Put in writing your request for consideration of a withdrawal in exceptional circumstances, and submit it to the University Information Centre (or post to The Manager, Admissions and Enrolment, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054)
- Provide original (or appropriately witnessed) copies of any independent evidence verifying the circumstances outlined
The fees are available on request from the Student Enquiries Office:
Student Enquiries Office
University of Otago
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
Tel AskOtago: 0800 808 098
Email finance@otago.ac.nz
Student ID card
As a distance student you are able to obtain a student ID card. The application procedure varies, depending on whether you have had a card before.
Previous cardholders
If you have had a University of Otago student ID card in previous years, you can apply online:
Apply for a student ID card online
Course Approval must be completed before an ID card can be issued, so there could be a delay between our receipt of this application and your receiving an ID card. If you have any queries, please contact the ID Card Office:
Tel Ask Otago: 0800 808 098
First-time cardholders
If this will be your first University of Otago student ID card, please complete the following application form (submission details are printed on the form):
ID Card Application Form (PDF)
Course Approval must be completed before an ID card can be issued, so there could be a delay between our receipt of this application and your receiving an ID card. If you have any queries, please contact the ID Card Office:
Tel 0800 808 098