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The 2017 workshop was held at Taupō on 31 August to 2 September 2017. We were warmly welcomed by Ngati Tuwharetoa at the Rauhoto Marae and participants had an opportunity to find out about the work of the Tuwharetoa Health Trust. This was followed by interactive sessions at the Huka Falls Resort where we covered topics such as epistaxis update, stroke and TIA workshop, rehabilitation in rural area, palliative care, and psychogeriatrics. We finished with a stimulating discussion on models of care of rural hospital doctors and GPs.

residential guest speakersParticipants came from many corners of the country including the deep south and East Cape. Thanks to these participants, we were able to fund three Cook Islands doctors' presence at the workshop and they shared with the group their experience in remote medicine such as managing strokes with no access to CT scans.

Download the workshop programme (PDF 129 KB)

The Rural Postgraduate Programme would like to thank Ngati Tuwharetoa who kindly opened the Rauhoto Marae to welcome us, the local hospital and general practice clinicians who helped coordinate various parts of the workshop, and all those who have attended the workshop, especially those who have supported us in the past.

In 2018 the workshop will return to Rarotonga on 29–31 August. More information to come.

Places are limited. Please contact the workshop convener, Dr Yan Wong, to reserve a place.

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