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The team that delivers the PG Dip Rural and Provincial Hospital Practice (the Rural Postgraduate Programme) presents the Rural Generalist CME Workshop 2019. We travel to a different part of NZ each time and we are grateful to the local rural clinicians and communities for their generous assistance. This year it will be held in beautiful Taranaki.

Back Beach, Taranaki, supplied by Christina Jenkins
Back Beach, Taranaki. Photo supplied by Dr Christina Jenkins.

The workshop provides up-to-date evidence on topics commonly encountered in rural and remote practice and the sessions will be delivered by the rural doctors that make up the faculty of the Rural Postgraduate Programme as well as local rural and base hospital specialists as well as local rural nurses.

See previous workshops here


  • Rural renal updates
  • Rural paediatric updates
  • Obstetric care for rural generalists
  • Managing Parkinson's disease in rural practice
  • Alcohol withdrawal in rural communities
  • Mana Enhancing & Mana Protecting Practice

Click here to download the draft workshop programme (updated 17th Sept 2019)


There will be about 15 hours of CME across the three days, equivalent to 15 CME points accredited by RNZCGP.

Workshops are delivered in a small group interactive style to allow for in depth discussion and will focus on rural management issues.

Max no of participants is about 25.

Rarotonga paeds sessionOver the years we have been able to use some of the surplus to provide ongoing support for the training and CME of Cook Islands doctors.  The Rural Postgraduate Programme has been funding the costs of attendance of Cook Islands doctors to the CME workshops.

The Rural Postgraduate Programme is also a partner of the Cook Islands General Practice Training Programme.

Key details

Dates and times

Start 1pm Friday 1 November 2019

Finish: 1:30pm Sunday 3 November 2019


Taranaki Base Hospital Education Centre

(including lunches and conference dinner, but not travel or accommodation)

  • Standard registration $1300 (Taranaki DHB staff and GP $980)
  • Early bird registration $1100 (Taranaki DHB staff and GP $870; before 3rd Aug 2019)
  • Late registration (from 1st Oct) $1400 (TDHB staff and GP $1200)


Three airlines operate out of New Plymouth.

New Plymouth Airport flight schedule


Register securely online

Online registration is now closed. Please email organiser (with personal address) directly if you would like to attend


Please contact:

Yan Wong
Workshop Convenor

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