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The Cook Islands Ministry of Health and University of Otago Rural Postgraduate Programme are jointly hosting the Rural Generalist CME Workshop in Aug 2018. This will be the fourth time it has been held at the Rarotonga Hospital. It provides a relaxed, intimate and interactive learning environment in which Cook Islands and New Zealand doctors are able to share their experience of practicing medicine in low resource areas.

rarotonga hospital tree view

The workshop will provide up-to-date evidence on topics commonly encountered in rural and remote practice and the sessions will be delivered by the rural doctors that make up the faculty of the Rural Postgraduate Programme and by Rarotonga clinicians.


  • Cardiology updates for rural practice
  • Infectious disease for rural hospital
  • Unstable medical patient simulations
  • Polypharmacy and guide to de-prescribing
  • Managing multi-morbidity
  • Teaching and supervising registrars—Pitfalls and tips
  • Updates on delirium and depression
  • Information technology that makes life easier, rather than harder, for rural clinicians
  • Cook Islands health topics

Download the 2018 DRAFT programme (Microsoft Word document 19 KB)


Each day's sessions start at 8am and finish in the early afternoon. We have found that a shorter day allows the participants to stay focused and allows time to explore the beautiful island of Rarotonga.

There will be about 15 hours of CME across the three days, equivalent to 15 CME points accredited by RNZCGP.

Rarotonga paeds sessionOver the years we have been able to use some of the surplus to provide ongoing support for the training and CME of Cook Islands doctors. They and doctors from the outer islands have been able to attend these workshops. The Rural Postgraduate Programme has been funding the costs of attendance for Cook Islands doctors to the same workshops that are held in NZ in alternating years.

The Rural Postgraduate Programme is also a partner of the Cook Islands General Practice Training Programme.

Key details


29–31 August 2018, Cook Islands dates (30 August–1 September 2018 NZ dates)


Rarotonga Hospital, Rarotonga, Cook Islands

(including lunches and conference dinner, but not travel or accommodation)

  • Standard registration NZ$1800
  • Early bird registration NZ$1600 (payment before 4th Jun 2018)
  • Further discount is available to previous attendees to Rarotonga workshops (contact the Workshop Organiser at the email address below)


Many options are available. Bear in mind that Rarotonga Hospital is about 15 minutes' walk up a hill from the nearest hotel.


Buses run infrequently. You may wish to consider a rental car to get around the island.


Register securely online


Please contact Yan Wong with any enquiries.

Yan Wong
Workshop organiser

Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Workshop

Our rural friends at Ultrasound Imaging and Education (UIE) are also running a two-day POCUS workshop at Rarotonga on 27 and 28 August 2018 focusing on beginner to intermediate level scanning abilities.

See details of the POCUS Workshop here

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