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15 Mar 2023

Small changes in children’s sleep lead to significant changes in eating habits

Just an hour less sleep a night affects what and how children eat, University of...

14 Mar 2023

Policy changes urged to ensure Aotearoa’s health workforce reflects society

Policy changes are urgently needed to ensure Aotearoa’s future health workforce...

13 Mar 2023

Researcher from China thrilled to collaborate on diabetes technology research

The chance to work with world leaders in a specialist field of diabetes research...

10 Mar 2023

10 March 2023 Aotearoa’s work-related deaths – the real cost

Work contributes to at least a quarter of all fatal injuries in New Zealand – su...

10 Mar 2023

Cloak of protection against infectious diseases needed for schools

A group of health and education experts have published seven key goals in a miss...

09 Mar 2023

A Symposium of celebration for Mātai Hāora – the Centre for Redox Biology and Medicine

Leading lights in the field of oxidative stress and health research took centre...

24 Feb 2023

Better targeted prediabetes care needed

A more targeted approach to the screening and treatment of prediabetes is likely...

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21 Feb 2023

Pacific Tauira gain coveted spots in immersive medical programme

Pacific medical students are preparing to learn the art of making do.

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21 Feb 2023

Pacific Tauira gain coveted spots in immersive medical programme

Pacific medical students are preparing to learn the art of making do.

Cook Islands graduation Image

17 Feb 2023

Commitment of Cook Islands’ doctors recognised

With a father who worked in health administration in the Cook Islands, it’s prob...

07 Feb 2023

NZ one of few island nations with potential to produce enough food in a nuclear winter

New Zealand is one of only a few island nations that could continue to produce e...

02 Feb 2023

Locating for recovery: acute mental health units remain in the shadows

Acute mental health care units remain in the shadows, neither fully integrated i...

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