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Health and Disability Ethics Committee ( HDEC )

A process of peer review has been developed for all health research carried out in the joint research environment of the Dunedin School of Medicine and Te Whatu Ora – Southern. Each research project must be reviewed by the relevant Peer Review Committee according to the Department Guidelines below.

Peer Review Committee chairpersons

Department of General Practice and Rural Health

Professor Tim StokesPlease direct all applications and enquiries to

Department of Medicine

Professor Michael Williams
Please direct all applications and enquiries to

Department of Pathology

Professor Antony Braithwaite

Department of Preventive and Social Medicine

Associate Professor Rebecca McLean

Department of Psychological Medicine

Associate Professor Tess Patterson

Department of Surgical Sciences

Professor Greg Jones

Department of Women's and Children's Health

Professor Stephen Robertson

Non-DSM researchers

Health Research South

Peer review documents

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