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Biostatistics Centre

The Biostatistics Centre brings together academic biostatisticians who are methodological experts in health-related research, helping improve the quality of research, health knowledge and health outcomes. We welcome new collaborations with health researchers.


Visit the Biostatistics Centre

Biostatistics Support for Health NZ Southern Staff

Biostatistical support is available to help Health NZ staff with their research projects. Please contact HRS for details on how to access this national service.

Research Advisers

Research and Enterprise

Research Advisers Dr Edwin Meijerink and Ali Cameron are able to provide information and advice about the research grants that may be available to you. As well as guidance about particular funds suited to your specific field of interest, they can provide advice about the documentation required for your applications. In some cases applications are submitted through a web portal and they can assist with this. They are also responsible for preparing the contracts and subcontracts that are sometimes required as a result of successful applications.

Contact details

Ali Cameron
Research Adviser
Tel +64 3 470 9030 (hospital ext 59030)
Fax +64 3 479 8465
Office hours Mon pm | Tues, Wed, and Fri am

Dr Edwin Meijerink
Research Adviser
Tel +64 3 479 4190 (Research and Enterprise Office)
Mob +64 21 279 5085
Fax +64 3 479 8465
Office hours 8:30am–5pm Monday–Friday

Locality Authorisation (Te Whatu Ora – Southern and University of Otago)

Any research involving the use of Te Whatu Ora – Southern resources, facilities, patients, or records must receive Locality Authorisation before commencing. The approval process involves consultation with clinical, academic, and management leaders to ensure that the research is relevant and ethically sound, is able to be adequately resourced from both a clinical and a financial perspective, and that any risks are properly assessed and managed.

Details of the Locality Authorisation process

HRS is able to help you negotiate this process and the documentation required.

HRS Manager, Mette Goodin, is responsible for negotiating contracts with trial sponsors.

Research Advisers, Bianca Dobson and Ruth Jeffery, provide support for commercial trial costing and budget preparation.

Invercargill staff should contact Nicola Brandsen (Te Whatu Ora – Southern) for assistance.

Contact details

Dr Mette Goodin
Tel +64 3 470 9031 (hospital ext 59031)
Fax +64 3 474 7881
Office hours 8:30am–5pm, Monday–Friday

Dr Ruth Jeffery
Research Adviser
Tel +64 3 470 9032 (hospital ext 59032)
Office hours 8:30am–12:30pm Tuesday and Thursday / 8:30am–5:00pm Wednesday

Dr Bianca Dobson
Research Adviser
Tel +64 3 556 6245
Office hours 8:30am–5pm Monday–Friday

Sarah Ahmad Shazali
Research Administrator
Tel +64 3 470 9033 (hospital ext 59033)
Office hours 8:30am–5pm Monday–Friday

Nicola Brandsen
Te Whatu Ora – Southern

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