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If you are considering contacting students through for conducting educational research with Otago medical students, there is a process to undertake. This process is to assist with:

  • Monitoring research currently occurring so medical students are not overloaded with requests;
  • Monitoring any clashes of other educational research that may be occurring at the same time;
  • Gathering information about other researchers who are doing similar research to assist with networking and collaboration;
  • Offering some very brief comments/feedback about the research project itself.

Please note, this is not an approval or gate-keeping process.

If you are looking for peer review of your research project proposal to help with design etc., please view our process here.

If you are an educational researcher not associated with Otago Medical School (OMS), we have no concern in principle of using our students for educational research purposes. However, we request that the research is carried out with an OMS staff member as part of the research team.

When the form is completed and the process initiated, it is viewed by the MB ChB Director, and the Associate Dean Medical Education at CELM, BSM, DSM, UOC and UOW for comment. Please download and complete the form below at least 4 weeks prior to data collection. It is anticipated that comments and feedback will be emailed to you within 5 working days.

Student access request form (DOC)


Tel 027 212 9305

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