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To subscribe to a list of general funding opportunities available through the University, within New Zealand or internationally, please visit the Research & Enterprise website and follow the instructions

The following research funding opportunities either specifically focus on educational research or do not exclude educational research within their scope.

University of Otago

University of Otago Research Grants (UORG) Applications usually due end of May.

Committee for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching (CALT) grants Applications are usually due 1 October each year.

Quality Advancement Unit Applications for projects usually close early April for that calendar year.

Health Research South includes:

  • Deans' Bequest Fund
  • Dunedin School of Medicine New Researcher Start-up Awards
  • Research Support for Newly Appointed Clinical Academics
  • Southern DHB Research Fund
  • The Healthcare Otago Charitable Trust

National funding bodies supporting educational research

Ako Aotearoa

  • Project Fund – One fund that supports educational projects across three levels of funding: $15,000-$50,000; $51,000 to $100,000; and $101,000 to $150,000. Two funding rounds per year in March/April and July/August.
  • Hei Toko Project Fund – For regional projects that focus on improving outcomes for Māori learners up to $10,000 with applications received at any time.

Teaching and Learning Research Initiatives (TLRI) Funding across different levels where the maximum funding per year is $150,000 with a maximum of $450,000 across the life of the project. Expressions of interest are usually due at the beginning of March.

Maurice & Phyllis Paykel Trust Project & Equipment, Travel and Conference Support grants are available. Project and Equipment grants are considered 1 March and 1 October. Travel grants and Conference Support grants (two separate grants) due 1 March, 1 June, 1 October.

Curious Minds - Otago Science into Action Grants Seed funding of up to $2000 can be applied for at any time. Project funding is also available for research up to $20,000. Applications for the project funding usually close early March,

Marsden funding – Funding for 'blue skies' research in all disciplines including education. Guidelines for their funding rounds usually appear in early December, check the website for more details


The Spencer Foundation Funding educational research projects with budgets up to USD$50,000. Applications close July.

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