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This section of the Otago Bulletin Board is a space for staff, postgraduate students, or those with close ties to the University to post listings to the wider Otago community. Please log-in using your University email and password to access the submission form. For any queries, please email

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To let

Are you looking to rent a house? Check out our listings of available homes owned by University staff, postgraduate students or those with close ties to the University.

Wanted to rent

Are you looking for a tenant? Our listings show Otago people who are looking for a home to rent.

Flatmate wanted

Looking to join an already established house. Check out these options with Otago people.

House for sale

Looking to buy a home? Check out these private sales by Otago staff, postgraduate students or those with close ties to the University.

Holiday accommodation

Want to get away? How about one of these holiday homes owned by Otago staff members, students, or those with close University affiliations.

House sitting

Do you need someone to look after your house while you are away? Or are you looking for a home to care for short- or long-term? Check out these Otago listings.

For sale

A list of items being sold by University staff, postgraduate students or those with close ties to the University.

Vehicles for sale

A list of vehicles being sold by University staff, postgraduate students or those with close ties to the University.

Wanted to buy

A list of items that Otago people would like to buy.

Situations vacant

Are you thinking of switching jobs? Check out the University's current openings via the Human Resources website.

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