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Thursday 4 April 2019 1:34pm

Lab Café Outlet Assistant Marcella Jenkins with some of the cafe's new gluten free offerings. The Lab Café became gluten free this week.

The University of Otago’s Lab Café yesterday re-launched as a gluten free café – aiming to meet the needs of gluten intolerant staff and students.

Union Operations Manager Martin Jones says there has been a “constant demand” for gluten free options across the campus – but that from a health perspective there must be a clear separation between products that contain gluten and those that don’t. This means that simply placing gluten free options beside regular food does not solve this problem.

"I’m excited, I think this is the right step. But we welcome feedback and suggestions."

“So we have committed to providing a gluten free café and will see how it goes,” he says.

Options for sale include biscuits and slices, cakes, savoury items including lasagne and a selection of salads.

Mr Jones, who is 2m tall, compares the café to his experience shopping in a "big and tall" clothing store.

“That’s the beauty – you don’t have to ask. You’ll just know that if it is sold here, it will be gluten free. It’s really nice as a consumer to find something that meets your requirements.”

The University does not have a gluten free kitchen, so all product sold in the café will be brought in from a gluten free supplier. While gluten free food can be more expensive, the University has done its best to keep prices down.

Mr Jones says the location of the Lab Café – on the ground floor of the Centre for Innovation Building, and very close to the St David Café – makes it an excellent place to try this initiative.

“I’m excited, I think this is the right step. But we welcome feedback and suggestions,” he says. “People can get in touch with me if they have any comments.”

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