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Thursday 15 August 2019 11:08pm


A golden chandelier, strings of sparkly fairy lights and plumes of gorgeous feathers greeted ball-goers when they ran in from the rain on Saturday evening for the 150th Anniversary Gold Ball at the Dunedin Town Hall.

Piped in from the cold by Andre Mason, staff, students, alumni and their friends had taken the Gold Ball theme to heart, with everyone glittering in their finery for the 150th celebration.

gold ball-table-image

After the dinner, which was rounded off with the 150th anniversary cake, Queenstown band LA Social kept everyone entertained and up on the dance floor until midnight.

“It was a really great town-and-gown celebration, with a fun vibe and happy atmosphere,” says 150th Project Coordinator Kerry Buchan. “Thanks to everyone who helped make the night such a success.”

Ceri Griffiths and Christian Macfarlane enjoy the Ball.

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