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Tuesday 20 August 2019 10:35pm

University of Otago Chancellor Dr Royden Sommerville QC with a 150th time capsule - to be opened in 50 years. Photos: Sharron Bennett.

The University of Otago’s 150th anniversary celebrations are still going, but thoughts have already turned to our 200th birthday with the recent sealing of a time capsule.

A special ceremony for the capsule was attended by many of the University’s senior leaders to mark the institution’s 150th birthday and celebrate the completion of new refurbishments to the St David II building.

Shared Services Director David Tapp says the University’s academic divisions, University leaders and Otago University Students' Association (OUSA) were invited to contribute something of interest to be revealed in 50 years' time.

The very mixed contents.

“We had a variety of items that were submitted including a bottle of wine, a Highlanders rugby jersey, and a strategic plan.

“Both the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and I wrote letters to our counterparts in 50 years, and the Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor provided a Quaich (a Scottish drinking cup).

“We have included photos of cell phones, laptops, photocopiers and other things for them to marvel over the modern technology of today.”

“I can assure you that everything fits in although it’s a bit like a game of Tetris to get it into the cylinder.

"Like Tetris" - but everything fits.

Last month the St David II Building won the Education category at the 2019 Southern Architecture Awards. It was redeveloped to house a portion of the Shared Services Division, including the main AskOtago call centre.

The work setting in St David II was a change for the University, comprising open plan seating for staff.

“I wonder what the workplace of the future will be like,” Mr Tapp mused.

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