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Friday 27 September 2019 1:42pm

Otago’s own talented Performing Arts students, a wonderful group of volunteers, some sunshine, a whole lot of cushions and a crowd of students, staff, friends, family and tourists made for a fun afternoon of music on the steps by the Leith last Saturday.

The Clocktower Cushion Concert, part of the University’s 150th celebrations, attracted around 250 concert-goers, and was an extra treat for visitors in town for the other concert (Fleetwood Mac) happening in Dunedin on Saturday.

A busy group of volunteers, including Lucy Dodds, Shae MacMillan, Glenn Wadsworth, Joanne Smith and Jack Buchan worked all morning to create a festive scene, stringing up bunting and putting up marquees, while Strawberry Sound organised the music production.

Entertaining the crowd, in bands or as soloists, were performing arts students The Indoor Kites, Bethany Cook, Efflorescent, Mia Jay, Al Pacino City, Mads Harrop, and Molly and the Lighter Thieves.

The event was hosted by Otago’s Professional Practice Fellow in Performance Voice Arlie McCormick, supported by her husband Dave. The Breeze’s Damian Newell presented the performers, and called for the event to become an annual fixture on the University and Dunedin calendar. Ice-cream and coffee carts provided sustenance.

“Thanks so much to our amazing volunteers and our wonderful performers for creating such a memorable event,” says 150th Project Coordinator Kerry Buchan. ‘It was great to be able to give everyone the opportunity to hear our talented students, and to celebrate with them in our 150th year.”

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