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Thursday 31 October 2019 9:58am

University Union Retail Manager Michael Hodge with the new Otago save cups - which feature 100-year-old lecture theatre desk grafitti. Photo: Sharron Bennett.

Words scoured into a lecture desk by students studying at Otago more than 100 years ago are now on display in a location those students would never have dreamed of – University of Otago save cups.

The latest cups are the brainchild of University Union Retail Manager Michael Hodge, who wanted symbolic Otago imagery that would capture peoples’ imaginations.

“I had been working on new designs for a while then the lecture theatre table tops from a private collection came up for sale. This sparked a conversation with our supplier and went from there.”

"People love the fact the cup will break down naturally after it has served its purpose, and that the packaging is made from recycled cardboard. They really like the design too, as not a lot of people were aware of the lecture theatre table tops."

Mr Hodge asked Photographer Sharron Bennett to photograph the desks, and set out to find the most environmentally friendly option for the cups, settling on bamboo.

“Every little bit we do helps the environment, and reduces waste. It is great to be able to offer eco products to our customers. This cup is a part of a new eco range that I have been working on, that I hope to have in store later this year.”

Mr Hodge says he loves that he has brought a piece of history from Otago’s early alumni, and presented it to the current students, allowing them to share in Otago’s past.

And the feedback he has been getting has been excellent.

“People love the fact the cup will break down naturally after it has served its purpose, and that the packaging is made from recycled cardboard. They really like the design too, as not a lot of people were aware of the lecture theatre table tops.”

He plans to produce a series of cups featuring Otago imagery – and is open to suggestions.

The new cups can be purchased either in store at the Visitors’ Centre, or Campus Shop South, and online at

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