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Exercise to improve anxiety: Research project recruiting now!

Do you worry a lot? Are you keen to see how exercise could help this? And do you want to see your brain? We are currently recruiting participants for a study investigating the effect of exercise to help reduce anxiety.

  • We are looking for healthy volunteers who have above-average level of anxiety (measured during a pre-screening questionnaire).
  • Participants must currently not do much exercise (i.e. once per week or less).
  • We measure participants before and after eight weeks of an exercise training programme, and the testing schedule includes an MRI scan before and after the intervention.
  • Participants receive $200 for completing the study, as well as a 3D print of their brain(!).
  • All exercise facilities (and showers) are provided, and the training sessions (three per week) are supervised by a trained exercise prescriber.
  • One of the team can also provide advice and an exercise programme following completion of the study.

If you are interested please fill in the pre-screening questionnaire or email with any questions.

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