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2015 Alumni survey

As an Otago alumnus, you are a highly-valued, lifelong member of the University of Otago community.

In order to ensure we are best meeting your needs, the Development and Alumni Relations Office undertook a comprehensive online survey in 2015, canvassing alumni of all ages and from all parts of the world. From a random sample of 21,000 alumni, we received 5800 completed surveys (a very good 28 per cent response rate).

This anonymous survey was run by Jerold Pearson, director of market research for Stanford University Alumni Association, a highly experienced survey practitioner who was able to benchmark our results against other universities from the US, Canada and Australia. Our results compared very favourably.

Thank you for taking the time to share your views: this is what you told us.

We will now use this information to inform how we engage with you in the future.

Your student experience


Personal feelings

Emotionally connected
Otago is a part of who you are
You mentioned the University in conversation in the past week

Sources of news and information about the University

The Otago Magazine is your main source

Friends, family, students, alumni…

From eConnect

Social media

Your views on Otago

Pride in your Otago degree

Identify with the University as a whole

Positive feeling about the University

Identify most closely with a school or faculty

How are we doing?

Otago values its alumni
Otago is doing a good job at keeping you informed

Staying connected with the University

Happy with current levels of connection
Like to be more connected

How do you want to be involved?

83% Events with an intellectual, educational, cultural focus

79% Access to libraries, journals, databases

75% Social events

73% University podcasts

57% Volunteering for Otago

55% Career services

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