Otago Magazine readership survey
Late last year we undertook an online survey of Otago Magazine readers to find out more about your perceptions of the Magazine, what you want to read and how you want to read it.
The survey was sent to a random sample of readers of all ages, both here in New Zealand and around the world. Thank you to all who took part: this is what you told us.
92% of you rate the quality of the Magazine as good or very good.
It is a preferred source of University information: 47% of you receive all or most – and a further 41% receive some – of your information about the University from the Magazine.
79% regard it as a generally credible source of information.
75% of you – and 85% of international respondents – agree that the Magazine strengthens your connection to Otago, helping you to feel more in touch with the University and other alumni, and reminding you of your own experiences here.
78% have taken some positive action as a result of reading the Magazine, from discussing a story or visiting the University website, to recommending the University or making a donation.
Alumni news
The subjects you most want to read about are research, issues of national or international concern, and medicine and health care.
Feature stories are most popular, followed by profiles, alumni news and the “Whatever happened to?” section.
While 64% of you want to continue to receive a print version of the Magazine, 36% now prefer to read it online.