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Our office can provide your department or research group with numerous report types covering all the current University of Otago publication category types. We can base the reports on the current year, and prior years as far back as 2003. We have a range of statistical reports and citation reports available. Please contact us at to discuss your reporting requirements.

Department Reviews:

For all department reviews undertaken through the Quality Advancement Unit, we supply verified reports to the Quality Advancement Unit on all academic reviews. These are also available on request for departments to submit alongside Self-Review Documents. Please contact our office prior to the reviews for preliminary lists that can be checked to ensure that our records are full and complete.

Human Resources Promotion Rounds:

As part of the ongoing University promotion rounds, Human Resources does use our publications data for checking and verifying promotion applications. Please check your publications listing under My Publications in MyResearch to ensure your publications record is complete. If you find that any publications are missing from your list, please forward the missing publication information accompanied by verification evidence to For all queries relating to categories and evidence requirements, please contact us at or call us to discuss your queries.

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