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Jen Cattermole profile photo

Head of Programme (Music)
MA(Otago) PhD(Macquarie)

Tel +64 3 479 4025

Research expertise

Jennifer is one of Aotearoa's leading ethnomusicologists with a particular interest in Māori, Moriori and Pacific Islander musics. She is passionate about taonga pūoro (traditional Māori musical instruments), and is an experienced player, maker and educator. She was awarded a prestigious Marsden grant (2016-2019) for research on the origins and development of Māori and Moriori musical instruments.

Jennifer first learnt about ethnomusicology as an undergraduate at Otago, going on to write theses on Aotearoa roots reggae and Fijian stringband music. She is very interested in how people use music to express and shape their relationships to other people and to particular places (or the natural environment more broadly). Jennifer is committed to fostering community music-making, facilitating two ukulele groups; and to sharing her knowledge in both university and wider community settings (e.g. schools and marae). She is a member of the steering group for the Performance of the Real Research Theme. Currently, she is writing a book exploring the origins and development of Māori and Moriori musical instruments.


Postgraduate supervision

  • Māori and Pacific Islander musics
  • Music and identity (e.g. cultural, gendered, sexual)
  • Music and place/environment
  • Music and power (subversive politics, arts/cultural policy)

Selected past student supervisions

  • “Kwaimani Ana Liohaua Gia: The Heart of Us,” Irene Karongo Hundleby, PhD
  • “The Conceptualisation and Sustainability of Rotenese Gong Music,” Agastya Rama Listya, PhD
  • “Making the Choice for Music,” Sara Brown, MA
  • “Turning up the Māori: The Showband Mix-o-matic App,” Louise Kewene-Doig, MMus
  • “The Stylistic Vocal Techniques used in New Zealand's Prevalent Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) Styles: Musical Theatre, Jazz and Pop,” Hannah Thompson-Holloway, MMus


Cattermole, J. (2024). Echoes from Hawaiki: The origins and development of Māori and Moriori musical instruments. Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press, 246p. Authored Book - Research

Cattermole, J. (2023). Investigating the sonic characteristics of New Zealand’s Indigenous instruments: Taonga pūoro and miheke oro (Māori and Moriori musical instruments). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154(Suppl. 4), A184. doi: 10.1121/10.0023206 Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Cattermole, J., Halba, H., Kalogeropoulou, S., Roberts, M., & Wardell, S. (2022). Cartographies of a future. Dunedin Fringe Festival, Allen Hall Theatre, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Performance Installation]. Creative Work

Cattermole, J., Halba, H., Kalogeropoulou, S., & Tucker, H. (2021). Welcome / Haere Mai. Performance of the Real, 2, 4. doi: 10.21428/b54437e2.b2522cdc Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Adams, P. (music director, conductor), Dennis, T. (music director, piano), Ritchie, A. (music director, conductor), Petersen, T. (orchestra leader, soloist, violin), Du Plessis, H. (orchestra leader, soloist, cello), Kalogeropoulou, S. (choreographer), Bellingham, J. (vocalist), & Cattermole, J. (taonga pūoro) (2019, 2 June). A celebration of Otago in words and music, with the 150th Gala Concert Orchestra, City Choir Dunedin and Southern Concert of Voices, Dunedin Town Hall, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Performance]. Performance

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