From 6 to 12 November 2023, Medsafe and other medicines regulators from around the world are teaming up on social media to raise awareness of reporting suspected side effects to medicines. The theme for 2023 is “Who can report?”
Whether you are a patient, medicine user, doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or other healthcare professional, you can play your part to support medicines safety.
Why report side effects?
You contribute to medicines safety when you report suspected side effects to Medsafe / Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM).
Collection and analysis of these reports help us to identify new side effects or learn more about already known side effects, which makes medicines safer for everyone.
How to report
The easiest way to report is by filling out the online reporting form:
New Zealand Adverse Reactions Reporting Form – CARM
Anyone can submit a report. You don’t need to be certain that the medicine caused the reaction. If you are suspicious, report it!
You can also ask a healthcare professional to submit a report on your behalf.