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Thursday, 4 February 2016

New Zealand's National School of Pharmacy encourages young potential pharmacists of New Zealand to immerse themselves into the world of pharmacy at the Annual Hands-On Science week in Otago. Hands-On at Otago is a popular event (18th-22nd January, 2016) for high school students from across the country, with about 365 students being invited to Dunedin to explore the campus and its Science facilities.

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12 Hands-On at Otago students pose for a group photograph at NZ National School of Pharmacy.

A group of 12 eager and enthusiastic students joined the School of Pharmacy early Monday morning, and were introduced to the various roles of pharmacists by HOS programme director, Mr David Schmierer. Mr Schmierer and supporting staff continued to enlighten the students throughout the week with Hands-On activities such as: dispensing creams, aspirin synthesis, quality control, and drug delivery.

Mr Schmierer emphasised the importance of broadening peoples view on pharmacy and had the students experience as many elements of pharmacy as possible over the four-day period that they were here. Shania Rajanayagam (Scared Heart College, Lower Hutt) said she had a “very memorable experience” here in Dunedin.

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A "very memorable experience" says Shania Rajanayagam (Lower Hutt).

Overall, the event was a great success and we look forward to next year! Many thanks to our staff: David Schmierer, Mike Broughton, Lisa Reid, Dorothy Saville, Patti Napier, Julie Harwood, Natalie Medlicott, Jess Fairhall, Jennifer Bruce and PhD Student Sujita Narayan.

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