The Māori Heath Workforce and Development Unit Speed-dating evening was held at the Hunter Centre (20 July 2016) for Māori Health Science First Year (HSFY) students. The School of Pharmacy was invited to speak to the students. The School of Pharmacy was represented by school Kaiarahi, Lisa Kremer, Ngā Kaitiaki o te Puna Rongoā (Māori Pharmacists Association) member, Kevin Pewhairangi (Wellington) and three Māori students, one from each year.
The Pharmacy roopu (group) where given seven minutes to explain to the HSFY students what Pharmacy is and to answer any questions that they might have. Mr Pewhairangi began the season with a welcome in te reo Māori, then briefly explained his career as a pharmacist and how he “loves his job”. School Kaiarahi, Lisa Kremer, spoke about her experience as a hospital pharmacist and the flexibility of being a pharmacist.
Ngā Kaitiaki o te Puna Rongoā (Māori Pharmacist Association) member, Kevin Pewhairangi (Wellington) speaks to the first group of Health Science First Year students at the Hunter Centre.
Lisa was supported by her team of passionate students, Hemi McKechnie (P3), Tayla Tuhikarama (P4) and Renee Spriggs (P2) who each took turns explaining why they chose to study pharmacy.
Recruitment of Māori into the School of Pharmacy is very important to us here at Otago. Māori are under-represented in the profession, with less than 2% of the pharmacist population having whakapapa. Please visit our new Communities webpage for further information
From left: Hemi McKechnie (P4), Renee Spriggs (P2), Kevin Pewhairangi, Tayla Tuhikarama (P3) and School Kaiaraki, Lisa Kremer.