Welcome to the School of Pharmacy Electronic Ordering System. Please use your first name and last name (eg. Homer Simpson) as your Account Name and use the Password you provided to the System Administrator. If you forget your password please contact the System Administrator to reset it.
The system has been implemented in an effort to improve transparency to staff in all stages of the purchasing process, please feel free to discuss an issues or improvements with the Purchasing Officer or System Administrator.
This system has been designed to facilitate ease of ordering for School staff and the ability to track and review purchases made from the various account codes available to you. It has also been designed to enable monitoring and authorising of postgrad spending by research supervisors.
The process
- Log in.
- To create a new order click New.
- Select External or Internal according to which type of order you require.
- From the TO field type the name of the supplier you wish to purchase from.
- If you have a contact person at the supplier, type their name in the ATTENTION text box.
- To enter the detail of the items you are ordering, click Add Item and a line of entry boxes will appear.
- Enter the Quantity, Description, Product Code, and Unit Price (excluding GST) of the goods you are requesting. Select an account code from the Account drop-down list and a category for your purchase from the Dissection drop-down list.
- If you require other items click Add Item and another line will appear. Repeat this as many times as you require.
- If you have any special instructions for the Purchasing Officer type them in the Instructions text box.
- Click Calculate if you wish to review the total cost of your order before submission.
- Click SUBMIT.
- The order will not be submitted if the supplier (TO), ACCOUNT, dissection, and ESTIMATED UNIT PRICE are not supplied.
- Until your order has been downloaded by the Purchasing Officer its STATUS will be NEW.
- At this stage the Purchasing Officer will give the order a number then generate an email to the person authorising the purchase, if required (ie. the person responsible for the account eg. the paper co-ordinator, your supervisor, the research grant holder).
- The Purchasing Officer will then wait for the reply email authorising the purchase. While this is happening the STATUS of your order will change to AWAITING AUTHORISATION.
- Once the Purchasing Officer receives the authorisation (or if none was required) he/she will continue to process the order and when the order is sent to the supplier they will generate a confirmation email (sent to the orderer and the authoriser) and the STATUS will change to ORDERED.
- When the goods are received another email will be sent to alter the purchaser that the goods have arrived and are available for collection.
- If you are part way through entering an order and you change your mind, click Cancel and the STATUS of that ORDER will become TO BE DELETED and at some point the record will be removed from you history.
You can track this whole process by logging onto your account on the web at any time. You can also review all of the orders you have made and search on any field to review goods ordered in the past.
Contact information
Purchasing Officer
Jo Preston
Email pharmacy.purchasing@otago.ac.nz