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The Das Laboratory celebrates the success of students and graduates research and academic achievement.

For news stories about success of current and recent Das Lab members visit our news page:
Das Laboratory news

Past Das Laboratory members

Members are listed alphabetically and include a range of graduates, visitors, and undergraduate students pursuing research with supervision from Dr Das.

Students who worked on research elective papers are listed in their own section:
Elective students

Dr Ayman Allahham, Visiting Researcher (School of Pharmacy, Kassim University, Saudi Arabia)
Topic: Agglomerate strength distributions for understanding dissolution enhancement by insoluble salt (2012)
Supervisors: Dr Shyamal Das (while at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences), and Professor Peter Stewart

Lily Chen, BPharm(Hons)
Topic: High-dose drug delivery to the lung by engineering drug powders using spray drying technique (2015)

Ayoung Cho, Summer Research Student
Topic: Understanding how drugs are dissolved, (2017, Division of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship)

Matthew Cross, Summer Research Student
Topic: Preparation of low-density particles by spray drying, (2013, New Zealand Pharmacy Education Research Foundation)

Ragdad Daniel, Visiting Researcher (School of Pharmacy, University College, London)
Topic: Understanding the dispersion of drug-alone formulations by tensile strength distributions (2012)
Supervisors: Dr Shyamal Das (while at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences), and Professor Peter Stewart

Basanth Babu Eedara, PhD
Topic: Inhalable lipid-drug microparticles for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, (2019, Co-supervisor: Professor Ian Tucker)
Basanth's PhD research profile

  • Finalist for the Pat Burnell New Investigator Award in DDL 2017 (Edinburgh)

Claire Fan, BPharm(Hons)
Topic: Inhalable powder formulations for treating latent and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis: Formulation and in vitro characterisation (2016)

Louise Fliedel, Visiting Researcher (School of Pharmacy, Paris Descartes University)
Topic: Liposomal powders for respiratory delivery (2017)

Nalini Ganaeswaren, BPharm(Hons)
Topic: Drug delivery to the lung—the influence of lung surfactants on dissolution of drugs (2015)
Students thrive in the culture of a revamped Honours programme

  • Best presenter award in the School of Pharmacy 2015 BPharm(Hons) symposium.

Brittany Hessell, BPharm(Hons)
Topic: Development of dry powder inhaler platform for delivering enzymes (2018)

Kayla Mendoza, Visiting Researcher (Louisiana, USA)
Topic: Use of spray drying to produce inhalable particles (2014)

Mohammad Abdul Motalib Momin, PhD
Topic: Spray-dried powder particles containing single or combination of drugs for treating multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, (2018, Co-supervisor: Professor Ian Tucker)
Mohammad Momin's PhD research profile

Currently a postdoctoral fellow in the inhalation research group at the Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, Mohammad has also achieved:

Amelie Olivier, Visiting Researcher (Faculté de Pharmacie, Université d'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand)
Topic: Roflumilast dry powder formulation to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), (2015)

Bhamini Rangnekar, BPharm(Hons), Summer Research Student
Honour's topic: Bedaquiline containing spray dried powder formulations for treating multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (2017)

Summer Research topic: Inhalable multi-drug powder for treating pulmonary tuberculosis, (2015, Division of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship)

Jia Ni Shi, Master of Pharmacy
Topic: Understanding mechanofusion processes by surface energy characterisation, (Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Australia, 2011–2013. Other supervisor: Professor Peter Stewart)

Michelle (Pui Shih) Li , BPharm(Hons)
Topic: Inhaled dry powder of biologics, (2019)

Sim Jee Thien, Summer Research Student
Topic: Triple combination powder for treating multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, (2015, Fred Fastier Grant Fund)

Meike van der Veen, Visiting Researcher (University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)
Topic: The effect of added lactose fines on the dispersion performance of salmeterol xinafoate containing adhesive mixtures for inhalation (2013)
Supervisors: Dr Shyamal Das (while at Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences), and Professor Peter Stewart

Nicole Wood, Summer Research Student
Topic: How much drug will dissolve in the lung after inhalation? (2018, Division of Health Sciences Summer Scholarship)

Boya Zhang, Summer Research Student
Topic: How much drug will deposit in the lung after inhalation? (2018, Fred Fastier Grant Fund)

Past Das Laboratory elective students

Dr Shyamal Das also supervises undergraduate students pursuing a research elective.


Topic: Gene delivery to the Lung
Mark Albert, Cheuk Hin Tam, Ying Hui Chien, Krystal Ern Cqi Tay, Jareb Milner and Julian Smith


Topic: Current status of high dose inhalers
Gaurav Mann, Farrukh Sarwar, Marina Li, Nicholas Thong and Renukka Anurithan


Topic: Supporting students' English language development for pharmacy practice
Rachel Fowlie, Nok Yi Cheung, Leo He and Jin-Seog Lee
Co-supervisors: Megan Anakin, Dr James Green, Aynsley Peterson and Anita Olivier


Topic: Patentability assessment: Drug combinations for treatment of tuberculosis via pulmonary delivery
Prema Samarasan, Najwa Nurdiyana Abdubrani, Pharathiny Sandrasagaran and Fatin Nabilah Mariyo


Topic: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a new drug formulation for its treatment
Silvia Jin, Joshua Smith, Reuben Teo, Samuel Wagener and Phillip Sacheun

Topic: Dry powder inhaler devices for pulmonary drug delivery
Annie Akepogu, Leanne Liu, Hana Shin, Rebecca Lovelock and Ryan Smith


Topic: The use of spray drying technique for producing powders for inhalation
Vibhuti Patel, Kadyn Lowe, Amina Al-Bahar, Patrick Clark, Susan Lim and Davence Yu


Komal, K., Shah, R. M., Glass, M., & Das, S. (2025, November). Leucine enhances the aerosolization of inhalable cannabidiol dry powder developed by spray freeze drying. Verbal presentation at the School of Pharmacy Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Shah, R. M., Reily-Bell, M. J., Walker, G., Katare, R., & Das, S. (2025, November). Investigating microRNAs biomarker potential and their encapsulation in cationic liposomes for targeted lung delivery. Verbal presentation at the School of Pharmacy Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Das, S. (2025, November). Research at the School of Pharmacy: Success and collaboration opportunities. Verbal presentation at the School of Pharmacy Research Symposium, Dunedin, New Zealand. Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs

Su, C., Saha, T., Sinha, S., Hird, C. P., Smith, S. X. Y., Quiñones-Mateu, M. E., & Das, S. C. (2025). Inhalable spray-dried dry powders combining ivermectin and niclosamide to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 671, 125302. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2025.125302 Journal - Research Article

Ding, S., Khadka, P., & Das, S. (2024). Improving solubility and dissolution of Disulfiram through spray-dried solid dispersions with Soluplus. In M. Anwar, A. Bahn, N. Fleming, M. Garelja, E. Lamping, A. Middleton, K. Ogbuehi, E. Penno & S. L. Warring (Eds.), Proceedings of the 272nd Otago Medical School Research Society (OMSRS) Meeting: Masters/Honours/Postgraduate Diploma Student Speaker Awards. Dunedin, New Zealand: OMSRS. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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