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Qualifications: Degree(s) (year)

BPharm (Otago 2002), PGCert ClinPharm (Otago 2005), PGDip ClinPharm (2008)

Current Position(s)

Clinical Pharmacist, Resident Aged Care, Waitemata DHB

Positions since graduation

Clinical Pharmacist in general medicine, mental health and older adults, Intern Preceptor, Junior Pharmacist Mentor, Clinical Trials Pharmacist, Pharmacist Team Leader – Older Adults, training and assessment for EVOLVE, President of Ngā Kaitiaki o Te Puna Rongoā o Aotearoa – The Māori Pharmacists' Association.

A few lines about your current role

My role involves visiting residents who live in Residential Aged Care facilities (private hospitals/rest homes/dementia units). I work with the residents, their families and their health professionals to review medicines and ensure the safe and effective use of medicines. I am also involved in quality initiatives such as audits, education and primary/secondary care liaison.

Any comments about your Otago experience?

I loved my time at Otago University. I enjoyed being part of the School of Pharmacy where you went through the same courses with the same students for 3 years and built long lasting professional as well as personal relationships. I also did Post Graduate studies through Otago and enjoyed the chance to learn more things that I could apply in the real world of pharmacy; things that built on my practical knowledge and could help me, to help my patients, even more.

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