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A degree in Physics can lead to a wide range of career opportunities, and our graduates enjoy one of the highest rates of employment amongst New Zealand science graduates. Physics training develops highly transferable skills in problem solving and critical thinking, as well as technical capabilities that are highly valued by employers. While some of our graduates have made their careers in academic physics, many have chosen to use their physics degree as a platform for a rewarding career in a different area.

Some examples of recent graduate jobs are:

  • Control Systems Engineer
  • Analytics Graduate – Banking
  • Development Engineer
  • Scientist Researcher
  • Analyst – Government
  • Senior Mechanical Engineer
  • Research Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Algorithm Development Engineer
  • Energy Analyst
  • Hardware and Tools Coordinator

Further information

A career poster is available for download. To get a hard copy, email

Physics is for you: information suitable for intermediate through to University students

Physics Central: interviews with physicists about their careers

Careers using Physics: career information for university graduates, and a job vacancy site

Careers in Energy

There are great opportunities for qualified people to pursue a career in the rapidly developing energy area both within New Zealand and around the world.

Isobelle Barrett

Isobelle Barrett Lead Hydrologist, Trustpower

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Katie Chong Optical engineer, Baraja Pty Ltd

James Douglas



Petra Fersterer Data Analyst, Oranga Tamariki

James Titchener_280px

James Titchener Senior Scientist, QLM Technology Ltd

Emma Douma

Emma Douma Senior Instructional Designer, Education Perfect

Jack Williamson_280px

Jack Williamson Test Engineer, Segula Technologies

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Hamish McDonald, a physicist working in NZ industry

Bonar Carson

Bonar Carson chose Otago because of its good reputation for science

Adam Norrie thumb

Adam Norrie, Physical Sciences Analyst, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

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