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Our Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Physics provides students with a strong foundation in all major areas of the discipline. We emphasize analytic thinking and problem solving, and encourage active engagement of students with teaching staff. Lecture courses are integrated with problem solving workshops and tutorials. Dedicated laboratory papers are problem-based and develop student's practical and technical skills.

Structure of BSc in Physics

Bachelor of Science (BSc) majoring in Physics

100-levelPHSI 131 Fundamentals of Physics I or PHSI 191 Biological Physics18
PHSI 132 Fundamentals of Physics II18
MATH 130 Fundamentals of Modern Mathematics 118
MATH 140 Fundamentals of Modern Mathematics 218
200-levelPHSI 221 Classical and Quantum Mechanics18
PHSI 222 Electromagnetism18
One of18
One of18
300-levelPHSI 381 Experimental Physics II18
Three of54
Plus144 further points, must include 18 points at 200-level or above.

Up to 90 points may be taken from outside Science.

(i) PHSI 191 assumes an understanding of NCEA Level 2 Physics; PHSI 131 and 132 assume an understanding of NCEA Level 3 Physics and Mathematics.
(ii) Qualified candidates may substitute ELEC 253 or PHSI 243 for PHSI 131 with approval from the Head of Department.
(iii) It is recommended to take both of MATH 202, 203.
(iv) MATH 203 is a prerequisite for PHSI 336.
Total 360

More information on qualifications in Physics

All undergraduate papers

Physics papers
Energy Science and Technology / Energy Management

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