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The School of Physiotherapy is housed in a purpose-built building on the University campus and close to other health science schools, the Dunedin Public Hospital and both medical and general libraries.

Dedicated workspaces are set up for teaching, research and clinical activities, and each workspace features a range of specialised modern equipment.

Teaching laboratories

The School has four laboratories for teaching, tutorials and practice for undergraduates. Each is equipped with relevant general and specialised equipment.

Research laboratories

The Biomechanics laboratory provides a wide range of technology for the study of movement including force measurement, motion capture, and EMG recording equipment.

The Mark Steptoe Muscle Performance laboratory utilises our Biodex isokinetic dynamometer and exercise equipment.

The Balance lab incorporates the Equitest and Balance master equipment and is used both as a working clinic and for research.

Clinical facilities

Teaching clinics

The School runs five physiotherapy clinics in two centres (Dunedin, Christchurch). These well resourced clinics are used for student training. Students also learn in a variety of private clinics and hospitals under the supervision of staff employed by the school.

Clinical research

The School also provides administrative support for clinical research.


Major equipment available at the school includes:

  • Motion Analysis motion tracking system
  • AMTI force plates
  • Biodex isokinetic dynamometer
  • Noroxan wireless data collection equipment (EMG, Goniometer, etc)
  • Equitest balance assessment equipment
  • Balance Master balance training equipment

Contact us

If you would like to know more about the use or hire of any facilities contact us now.

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