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M SkinnerThe Vision for the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) is 'To move physical therapy forward so the profession is recognised globally for its significant role in improving health and well being'.

This fits well with Margot's own vision for herself in her professional role as she has always had a passion about doing her bit to move the profession forward.

“I joined the professional association after I graduated and found myself elected to the local branch committee a year later. The national conference was being held in Dunedin that year and the proceeds formed the basis of the funds raised to establish the Otago and Southland Physiotherapy Trust. “We had to rattle the tins and have lots of cake stalls but it was all worthwhile as the Trust [which Margot currently chairs] has been a wonderful asset for members of the two Branches and the School.”

After returning from a period of time working in Hong Kong and assisting with the establishment of the association there Margot chaired the Otago Branch committee, then served on the NZSP National Executive for a number of years before having two terms as President.

“Colleagues later encouraged me to put my name forward for the President of the WCPT Asia Western Pacific (AWP) Region. It was a period when the profession moved forward at speed as many countries were emerging from dependence on the West to taking on the responsibilities for developing schools of physiotherapy and rehabilitation services themselves and were keen to work towards meeting the requirements for membership of WCPT”.

Margot's next move forward in 2007 was her election by the member organisations in the AWP region to WCPT's Executive Board. She and served for two 4-year terms in that role before being elected as the Vice President at the General Meeting in Singapore in 2015.

WCPT is the international voice for the profession. Besides representing the 112 member organisations, subgroups and regions, WCPT is in official relations with the World Health Organization so has a direct voice and influence on international policy and directions for health and well being. Margot represented WCPT at the 69th World Health Assembly in Geneva in May.

“It was a privilege to be able to speak on behalf of the profession to endorse WHO's GATE Initiative to establish a Priority Assistive Products List for governments around the world to accept. This will mean all people will have free access to basic products and devices such as wheelchairs and walking sticks to assist them with rehabilitation and contributing as productive members of society"

Margot hopes that some of the information learnt in her global role rubs off on her students.

“I try to use international examples in teaching so that students are open minded and able to adapt their clinical reasoning physiotherapy skills to provide best practice to patients wherever they end up living and practising in the world”.

Margot is a Senior Lecturer and is currently the Deputy Dean of the School of Physiotherapy. She was the Vice-President of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) from 2015-2019. She is an Honorary Fellow and Honorary Life member of Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ) and a Fellow of the New Zealand College of Physiotherapy Inc. (NZCP).

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