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Andreas Hirczy and Tobias Hoeta are building better mobile tools for physiotherapists

In their third year of study, students at the School of Physiotherapy attend a series of lectures which introduce the business of physiotherapy.

Many graduates plan to own and operate stand-alone clinics, so practical insights gained from business studies can prove invaluable.

Soon after this lecture series, Andreas Hirczy and Tobias Hoeta began a conversation with Otago's Katrina Pōtiki Bryant about clever ways they might help patients improve their self motivation.

Defining the problem

Physiotherapy patients often battle to maintain motivation and find it hard to stick with prescribed exercise and rehabilitation programmes.

Andreas and Tobias understood that patient behaviour plays a big part in the success of interventions. They identified a need for better information flow between clinicians and their patients and asked themselves; “Could a simple, easy to use mobile app make this exchange easier”?

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Tobias Hoeta (left) and Andreas Hirczy proudly display their Audacious Best Business Case award after pitching their mobile app 'My Programme' in 2019.

Twelve months later, the pre-commercial prototype of “My Programme” mobile app is almost a reality. The app's primary function is to address the exercise prescription aspect of each physiotherapy session.

It logs patient's efforts and exchanges ideas and data to create positive feedback loops.
The easy user interface allows for the creation of individualised exercises which encourage motivation and compliance. Improved timely communication helps foster positive behaviour change.

The app's clinical focus also helps to foster patient confidence because the information comes from a trusted source.

Testing and prototyping

These keen young physiotherapy students want each patient to believe that they can 'do this thing', and they have no doubt that better online tools will deliver better results.

While Andreas and Tobias are still engaged in their physiotherapy studies, they have established the validity of their design concept and were delighted to receive the Best Business Case Award for their pitch of “My Programme” at this year's Audacious Award ceremony in Dunedin.

They continue to test and refine the design of their mobile app as they expand their knowledge of the business world.

By encouraging self-efficacy, "My Programme" may empower more New Zealanders to take greater ownership of their physical health.


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