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The School of Physiotherapy is one of several professional schools within the Division of Health Sciences.

The School is based in Dunedin but also maintains staff, facilities, and teaching clinics in Wellington.

The School of Physiotherapy's Dunedin Centre

In Dunedin, the School is located in the heart of the campus and close to the Medical Library and Dunedin Hospital.

The Dunedin Centre serves as the teaching base for second and third-year students pursuing their clinical education in Dunedin, and for fourth-year students rounding off their clinical education and experience in Otago, Southland, and South Canterbury.

Contact the Dunedin Centre

School of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy Building
325 Great King Street
Dunedin Central
Dunedin 9106
Tel +64 3 479 7460
Freephone 0800 OU PHTY (0800 68 7489) (within New Zealand)

The School of Physiotherapy's Wellington Centre

The School's Wellington Centre is located within the University of Otago, Wellington. Students and staff have ready access to University resources.

This Centre supports the clinical education of fourth-year students in the lower and eastern North Island, and in the Marlborough province.

Teaching hubs are located in Palmerson North, Hastings, and the Hutt Valley.

Contact the Wellington Centre

Liz Kemp
Centre Co-ordinator / Professional Practice Fellow
Wellington Centre


Within the School, the Executive Committee operates to review operational issues and wider issues of policy as required.

This Executive is comprised of the following:

  • Undergraduate Studies
  • Postgraduate Studies
  • CHARR (Centre for Health, Activity, and Rehabilitation Research)
  • Clinical Studies
  • Clinic
  • Operations

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