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Operations Manager

Many of you will know our Operations Manager Trish Didham.

Trish first starting working at the School in the early 1990s when it operated from the Otago Polytechnic and the conjoint degree programme had just started. At the time her children were still at school, and her husband Bruce was a busy teacher, as well as coordinating the fire service on the Otago Peninsula. But Trish 'had always worked' so it was no trouble to her to pick up the task of transferring the School's administration at the Polytechnic to a completely different administration structure at the University.

In January 1996 her first office was on physio_trish didham casual 2018the 2nd Floor of the Pathology building - as the new School took shape she moved into an office on the sunny side of the building. Many have popped in for a chat or some friendly advice.

For the past 22 years, Trish has been in charge of the operations of the School of Physiotherapy in the Division of Health Sciences, overseeing finance, administration staff, the clinics, examination committees, the Board of Studies, liaison with the Divisional Office other departments and many more. She has been chief fire warden for the School of Physiotherapy building and has helped the various Deans' Executive Assistants and each of the three Deans settle into their roles.

Trish retires from the School on August 2. Past and present staff students and colleagues thank her and offer good wishes. We will miss her calm, efficient and friendly manner. Her institutional knowledge and administrative skills are legendary.

But most of all we wish Trish a long and happy retirement from the School and University.


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